Extra Virgin Butter Oil?! – The Quest of the Holy Butter

I first heard about the benefits of butter oil, from the book “Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition”. It talks about using high vitamin butter oil together with cod liver oil and how it can remineralise your teeth.

But there is tremendous difference between available qualities, and supposedly only grass fed cows are able to produce milk good enough for this purpose. Together with a careful manufacture process, it should be in it’s most beneficial form for human health. So therefore I became interested in finding the best possible quality butter oil product.

Seems most searches will lead up to an “Extra Virgin Butter Oil” product with little information about it’s origin. Following the trail, it seems that the main supplier of the product is Corganic. A company in Royal Oak City, Michigan.

The staff kindly gave a little more detail about where the butter is made and how:

The Extra Virgin Butter Oil is produced in the Northwest region of the US by a small family owned farm. The farm and farmer is proprietary information. The cows are free range and grass-fed. Calcium is not listed as a natural source on this product because the minerals are removed along with the milk proteins during the production of this oil. However, the fat-soluble nutrients and fatty acids are all in tact as the EVBO is never heated to levels that would destroy them.

While the product seems good, I am still looking for alternatives. Especially outside of the US.

To be continued!

Thanks for reading and comments.

Don Sky