How to Cure a Headache Without Medicine

Like many of us, I have been struggling with headaches and migraines for a long period of time. Conventional medicine did its part for a short while, but no complete and safe cure seemed to be available.

Journeying into the dimension of alternative medicine broadened my horizons regarding curing different ailments. The body’s regenerative capacity is outstanding and still manages to awe the scientific community.

Understanding headaches is the first step in curing them. Like everything else in this Universe, a headache represents a vibration. When we experience a headache, we resonate with this particular vibration, thus becoming a match to its manifestation. A different perspective allows us to understand the nature of healing. More than often, restoring the body to its natural state of health, involves physical ailments that symbolize the cleansing of low vibrational energies from our being. For example, a temporal lobe pain signifies transforming a mental pattern of impotence and self-denial into a belief of liberation and empowerment.

There are various ways to by-pass the vibration of headache or to cure it and all these methods depend on the practitioner. Here is a short list of alternative curative procedures:

  • When dealing with a headache, immediately perform a body and auric field cleansing. Raising your vibration is essential for your overall well-being. You can use whatever resonates with you: salt baths, crystal grids, high vibrational chants, prayer, meditation, yoga or mild exercises. Practice non-resisting the pain, simply allow it to pass through you and leave your energy field. Be aware of the pain, but do not put all your attention into it.
  • A headache is a sign that something within you is healing or that you need to change your vibration. Recognize the context this pain appears in. You may find yourself in a disturbing company or you might be worrying too much. Observe when the headache arises and try to remove yourself from the disquieting circumstance.
  • Sleeping always helps in cases of headaches; put your body to rest and trust it will find the shortest way towards a complete state of health. If the pain continues after waking up, you may use an aromatic massage to loosen up and calm your senses.

Be mindful everytime your body sends you pain signals. Learn the silent language of your being and know nature has created numerous ways for you to be in deep harmony with yourself. Be aware of what you put inside your body – water and food are your everyday medicine. Last but not least, treat your body with love and respect. Your health is your inborn right, not a privilege.

What’s your cure for headaches?

Please, share in the comments.

Don Sky

2 thoughts on “How to Cure a Headache Without Medicine”

  1. Interesting point of view, pharmacy provides us a shortcut which doesn’t help us at all in the long-term to deal with headaches. Thanks.

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